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A steep slope greets visitors upon their arrival in Berriz. Even those who are not keen hikers will have to climb up and down numerous slopes if they wish to visit this charming town.

Berriz is located on the slopes of Mount Oiz, and has always been known for its local produce and cuisine. Indeed, no one should leave Berriz without first trying its famous T-bone steaks. But in addition to great food and drink, Berriz also has many other things to offer: nature, tranquillity, farmhouses and a beautiful rural environment.

Other things sure to surprise you include its chapels, farmhouses and old smithies and mills. Some of these mills were turned into hydroelectric power stations during the 20th century, and some of them still contain a collection of contemporary tools.

The town also boasts limestone farmhouses, stately homes and house-towers. In its rural neighbourhoods, residents continue to care for their livestock and grow high-quality fruit and vegetables.

Berriz has a rich historical heritage. Some of its most important sites include the Iturzuriaga dolmen, the Ipiñarrieta burial mounds, Andikoa Sanctuary and Juan Evangelista Church (both dating from the 16th century), Lariz House-Tower and the Izunza farmhouse.

As well as historical heritage, Berriz is also known for its cultural, sporting and social activities. If you want to enjoy the natural beauty, mountains, fine dining and historical heritage of Durangaldea, Berriz, nestled on the slopes of Mount Oiz, is the place for you.


Margarita Maria Museum Convent
Marquis house and gardens
Sarria neighbourhood
Andikoa neighbourhoo

More points of interest

Andikoa Sanctuary
San Juan Evangelista Church

Further information

Berriz Local Council

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